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Eagle Clan Arawaks
Bariria Korobahado

We are the founders and controllers of: 

The Indigenous Democracy Defence Organization/IDDO 
The Caribbean Amerindian Development Organization/CADO
The Pan-Caribbean Indigenous Cuba Solidarity Movement/PCICSM

Faithkeeper - Chief Damon Gerard Corrie
We have the largest network of allied Indigenous Tribes in the Circum-Caribbean Region, from Central America in the west, to Cuba in the North, to the Lesser Antilles in the East, and South America to the South. Including Lokono-Arawak, Taino, Kalinago, Embera, Kuna, Makushi, Naso, Miskito, Maya, & Pemon 
At left - when Hollywood A-list mega-star Leonardo DiCaprio joined us in the 2017  Peoples Climate protest march around the White House in Washington DC, USA. April 29. It drew a crowd of 200,000 protesters. My eldest daughter Sabantho Corrie and my niece Mainaku Borrero are in the photos with Leonardo. 



This was a long process that took 13 years, it began in 2009 when I asked my friend Grand Chief Ed John of the Assembly of First Nations of Canada - to deliver an important spiritual gift to the Pope on behalf of the Lokono & Taino Arawak Tribal Nations, the 'Talking Staff' Lokodehi I sent was carved by my brother-in-law Foster Simon (of Pakuri Territory, Region 4 Guyana), one of the top 4 Lokono-Arawak Woodcarving artists in Guyana, it tells the story of the spiritual injustice inflicted upon our Tribal Nations by false Christians who claimed to be doing these injustices to us in the name of the then Pope & the Catholic Church, and it reminds the current head of the Catholic Church who received it, that he must atone spiritually for the misdeeds of his predecessors, not just to our two peoples, but to ALL indigenous peoples on the face of the Earth who suffered as a result of the misdeeds of the Popes of the past.  

Chief Ed John was not able to deliver it to Pope Benedict but was now able to deliver it to Pope Francis, who is more open-minded and honest about the misdeeds of the Church before his tenure, not as completely as we would prefer, but far more than any other Popes before him, so progress is always good.

However, we are under no illusions that until the Pope's contrite WORDS are backed up by his concrete ACTIONS (specifically revoking the Doctrine of Discovery & the Papal Bull of the Columbus era), he is merely engaging in 'cosmetic solutions' and 'window dressing' at the Vatican.

The SAME way that the Pope is smart enough to use US as a PR opportunity, we are smart enough to use HIM as a PR opportunity, so if our gift can help our artist make a bigger name for himself in the world - I have no problem with the gesture whatsoever.  You must learn how to turn every opportunity towards a favorable outcome for yourself and your people, or you will fail at the leadership game in this life. 

The Official Coat of Arms of the Eagle Clan Lokono-Arawaks (above), and the Official Flag of the Eagle Clan Lokono-Arawaks (below), both designed by Damon Gerard Corrie, Faithkeeper (since 1995)

Sabantho Corrie's first debut on the International scene as an autodidact Indigenous Rights Journalist (like your dad lol) in a MAJOR not minor way - when your 1st &  articles were featured in Cultural Survival Magazine, accessible for all to read via the links below:

A Call to Action: Combating Climate Change in the Caribbean

I pay tribute to my Eagle Clan Arawak cousin - Central Cee (Oakley Neil H T Caesar-Su) - the hottest young Rapper in the UK, and the most famous Eagle clan Arawak family member of us all - check out his youtube channel with over 1 million subscribers:


Latest live concert:


We also pay tribute to the most famous lady Eagle Clan Lokono-Arawak of us all in this family, our niece Beauty Roshani Razack, the winner of this year's International Miss Teen India beauty pageant held at the Royal Albert's Palace in New Jersey, USA, on Friday 24th June 2022. It was the first time in the history of this prestigious event that a contestant from Guyana won the crown.  

See more photos of Beauty on our General page on this website. 

At left, from left to right - a photo of Chief Corrie, Chief Phillips, and Chief Borrero (at far right) - with United States Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland, the first native American to hold that title, and the first United States Secretary of the Interior to ever meet with Caribbean Indigenous Leaders. Below Chief Corrie and his wife Shirling, and youngest daughter Laliwa - were invited to meet the new Indigenous Canada Ambassador Brenda Wills, and USA Ambassador to Barbados  Roger F Nyhus - the first time in history that these two countries have appointed Indigenous Ambassadors to the same country.
Above is an honor granted to Chief Corrie by the City of Baracoa, Cuba, it was the first time this honor was ever granted to a non-Cuban, and only the second time it has ever been granted to anyone - period. 

SO PROUD OF OUR COUSIN PIERRE SERRAO, now an Eagle Clan family member is making a major impact on the Culinary world scene as well, here he is on the Daily Show with famous Comedian TV show host Trevor Noah. 

We are few (less than 300 family members) - but we are EXCEPTIONAL


We are pleased to announce a new strategic partnership with  



Haubariria means Harpy Eagle in the Lokono language and is the totemic animal for the Eagle Clan Arawaks or Bariria Korobahado Lokono.  

This bottling is the first in a limited series bottled in collaboration with the Eagle Clan Lokono-Arawaks (Bariria Korobahado Lokono), and represents something far more important than simply a bottle of rum.  Whilst we still select the rums, the stories and supporting information are provided by the Faithkeeper and Hereditary Chief of the Eagle Clan Arawaks, Damon Corrie. This provides a unique opportunity for customers and fans to learn about the history and cosmovision of the Eagle Clan Arawaks in the most authentic way possible, directly from the Clan itself. This marks a paradigm shift not only for us but hopefully for rum.

50% of our profits from the series goes directly to the Eagle Clan Arawaks who in turn do some fantastic work in advocating for and supporting indigenous causes in the region and cultural preservation. 

The rum is a 31-year-old Guyanese rum from the now-closed Enmore distillery. Distilled on the iconic Versailles single wooden vat still, it bears the marque KFM, signifying its origins on the Lusignan Plantation.


Furthermore, we see NO conflict of interest by partnering with a connoisseur rum brand, because although our people never made 'Rum' per-se, from time immemorial we HAVE been making our own traditional alcohol (and we STILL proudly do), some call them 'beers' or 'wines' according to the alcohol content, so 'alcohol' is not some 'foreign devil substance' to us, neither do we have the chronic alcohol abuse problems that you see on many native reservations in North America, you will NEVER find Lokono-Arawak men and women laying around on the ground day and night stoned drunk and knocked out as you see in North America, it is because we have thousands of years of alcohol use tolerance in our DNA that we are able to handle our drinking in a generally more manageable way, not saying we dont have chronic alcoholics, just saying in no way shape or form is our alcohol issue or 'alcoholic percentage of our population' comparable to our North American cousins - who for the most part do NOT have any long historical connection to manufacturing their own alcohol, so because of this - it has a truly devastating effect on them and leads easily to chronic addictions among them.

​Now, a very Just, fair, and equitable 50% profit sharing of one of the most exclusive and expensive rums in the world - is ours, this is no small feat for any Clan of any tribe as small as ours in the world - to have achieved such high-profile visibility anywhere, much less on the international scene. It is easy for any malcontent to get on their moral high horse and disapprove of our history-making equitable financial collaboration, but where are all these 'offended people' when my people need financial help? Their silence is deafening!

As a leader it is my job to be a river to my people, bringing them benefits in as many ways as I can, therefore I will continue to do whatever I think is necessary to raise my people out of economic poverty, one strategic economic partnership at a time. Collectively, ALL My business ventures are the 'ATM Machine' that funds all the charitable projects I undertake to help not only my tribe but all the other tribal allies who stand in solidarity, loyalty, and liberty with the Eagle Clan.

You cannot honestly talk about being 'Independent' and 'Sovereign' - if you cannot support ALL your financial needs yourself, to be truly 'Independent' means YOU have the economic resources to take care of ALL your own needs, if you depend on any government welfare for financial support - you are NOT 'Sovereign' - you are merely a 'Servant' of that government. Only people without any practical logic or fiscal intelligence - seem incapable of understanding this ONE main core fact of modern life, thankfully, I am not now, nor have I ever been, such an entrepreneurially retarded person. I find ways to make money to accomplish desired goals for the higher good of those who depend on me as a leader - to find solutions to their current fiscally depressing state of affairs.

An Exclusive and unprecedented limited line            of INDIGENOUS Connoisseur Rums

Here you will find all the products and offers from the Eagle Clan of the Lokono-Arawak Tribal Nation, from First Nations Productions grassroots Caribbean film industry creations, and various products such as non-GMO traditional Prayer Tobacco seeds, chipped Prayer Tobacco pouches, Prayer Tobacco souvenir collector's item indigenous hand-rolled Prayer Cigars gift sets, and individual hand-rolled Arawakan cigars, our very own tribal made organic hand sanitizer & Antiseptic emergency first aid paste, to hard copy and eBook publications, Adventure, Culture & Nature Guided Eco Tours, to modern accessories and tribal-owned apparel - and even undiscovered talent among our Indigenous Amateur Models. Also, provided ways that you can purchase products or donate to show your support for our various grassroots efforts to raise funds for our various continuously ongoing tribal humanitarian efforts. 

Some indigenous communities even invite Damon to visit their communities with room and board provided by the inviting tribe, so he can give the leaders and residents ideas about how to create global income-earning opportunities for their own local products that they never thought about before, however, if the community is not on his established travel circuit, travel costs would have to be provided by the community also, but Damon does not charge for his time or business idea advice or assistance in getting the ventures he suggests - marketed and started. To book Damon for paid in-person or online lectures on Traditional Lokono-Arawak culture and Cosmovision, and other public speaking engagements email us at

This website is basically a visual catalog of all our 'Environmental entrepreneurism', as we define and defend a place for ourselves - as Indigenous People, in a contemporary world, for if a nation is to be truly independent - it must be able to stand on its own feet - financially-speaking, and not depend on Colonial or Neo-Colonial Political Nation States to bankroll its existence.

At left, Chief Damon Gerard Corrie with Venezuela's Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Felix Plasencia, after a private 2-hour meeting held in November 2021. This was the first time ever in history that a Minister of Foreign Affairs of Venezuela - ever requested a meeting with an Indigenous leader anywhere. 

ANNOUNCING the 12th November 2021 Official launch of First Nations Productions, an Eagle clan Arawak company – that is now the tip of the spear, in the creation of a 100% Indigenous owned and operated – Grassroots Caribbean Indigenous Film Industry. Follow us on Instagram @firstnationsproductions

Above - Venezuela's acting Ambassador to Barbados Mrs. Martha Ortega Peraza with Chief Damon Gerard Corrie. 

At left - Venezuela's acting Ambassador Mrs. Martha Ortega Peraza, Chief Damon Gerard Corrie, and His Excellency Barbados CARICOM Ambassador - Mr. David Andre Comissiong, at the private VIP screening of the Guama TV documentary at the Venezuela Embassy, on 27 Jauary 2023.

Our first completed TV Documentary Film

These grassroots Indigenous film projects are important because – not only will they be the ONLY films ever made about Caribbean Indigenous peoples BY Caribbean Indigenous Peoples, with the actors all being actual indigenous tribe members of the peoples being portrayed, and with the dialogue being entirely or partially done in our ancient language (with English and Spanish subtitling provided by the producer), and if completed thanks to you – these will all also be historic firsts as our first made for TV Documentary Film -The Last Arawa Girl Born In Barbados – A 17th Century Tale’ – was the FIRST film ever done entirely in the Lokono-Arawak Language. The reason for all this is to give a purely indigenous perspective on the experience of European colonization in the Caribbean, a perspective never expressed this authentically hitherto. Caribbean indigenous peoples in general, are subconsciously viewed as ‘relics of history’ or ‘lingering curiosities of a bygone era’ ..and most non-indigenous people have already mentally consigned ‘Arawaks’ and ‘Caribs’ to the dustbin of history, so it continues to be an uphill struggle to get our voices heard by the dominant non-indigenous society – that generally prefers to talk ABOUT us, but not WITH us to this very day, and so our stories are very much still unknown.
Another overlooked aspect of these films is the fact that they will become powerful tools for a national spiritual awakening, consciousness-expanding, and long-overdue inter-ethnic reconciliation and a catalyst for a deeper national peaceful multi-cultural integration, for this cannot be achieved until the first inhabitants of a country who lived and loved this land for millennia before anyone else – are accorded the dignity of recognition and respect as being the foundation thread of the social and cultural fabric of our modern-day Caribbean societies.

Our second completed TV Documentary Film - 'Guama - The Last Great Taino Chief of Cuba' was completed in November 2022, and officially released on 28 January 2023. The Cuban Government informed us that our film is the FIRST film ever made about that famous Cuban Kasike who resisted the Spanish colonization of his island. So in that sense, it too was history making. 

Teasers for our 3rd film project, and first Indigenous Rights vigilante-justice themed - made for TV Action series, inspired by the book 'The Amazon is burning -The flames of 21st-century resistance inspired by indigenous women' by Damon Corrie (available on Amazon, Barnes & Nobles, the Apple store, and 10 other platforms.

Teasers below for our other film projects, which will also be the first-ever grassroots-made (by Indigenous peoples themselves) documentaries about great Indigenous leaders & Caribbean heroes of the past, the Great Kalinago Chief Warner of Dominica, and a 007/Indigenous Che Guevara 'Internationalist' Vigilante Justice for Native peoples kind of character, crowd funding is key to the success of all these projects. 


These grassroots Indigenous film projects are important because – not only will they be the ONLY films ever made about Caribbean Indigenous peoples BY Caribbean Indigenous Peoples, with the actors all being actual indigenous tribe members of the peoples being portrayed, and with the dialogue being entirely or partially done in our ancient language (with English and Spanish subtitling provided by the producer), and if completed thanks to you – these will all also be historic firsts as our first made for TV Documentary Film -The Last Arawa Girl Born In Barbados – A 17th Century Tale’ – was the FIRST film ever done entirely in the Lokono-Arawak Language. The reason for all this is to give a purely indigenous perspective on the experience of European colonization in the Caribbean, a perspective never expressed this authentically hitherto. Caribbean indigenous peoples in general, are subconsciously viewed as ‘relics of history’ or ‘lingering curiosities of a bygone era’ ..and most non-indigenous people have already mentally consigned ‘Arawaks’ and ‘Caribs’ to the dustbin of history, so it continues to be an uphill struggle to get our voices heard by the dominant non-indigenous society – that generally prefers to talk ABOUT us, but not WITH us to this very day, and so our stories are very much still unknown.
Another overlooked aspect of these films is the fact that they will become powerful tools for a national spiritual awakening, consciousness-expanding, and long-overdue inter-ethnic reconciliation and a catalyst for a deeper national peaceful multi-cultural integration, for this cannot be achieved until the first inhabitants of a country who lived and loved this land for millennia before anyone else – are accorded the dignity of recognition and respect as being the foundation thread of the social and cultural fabric of our modern-day Caribbean societies.

The grave of our matriarch founder of the 300+ exiled Clan diaspora (since 1925) from Guyana (into Barbados, UK, Cuba, USA & Canada). It is itself an historic grave, because it is the only grave plaque on Earth written in both the Lokono & English languages, and it is the ONLY known burial place in the entire Caribbean - of a member of traditional Lokono-Arawak hereditary nobility; as her father was our last traditional Hereditary Shaman Chief in Guyana. You can find it in Westbury Cemetary in Bridgetown Barbados. 
Historic - the first time ever in history that a Medal of honor created by Indigenous People was accepted by a Government as a post-humus award for a Head of State, when the Government of Venezuela accepted it in a ceremony at the Embassy of Venezuela in Barbados - for President Hugo Chavez Frias on 18 December 2021.

The Geddes Francis Corrie Medal For Humility and Positive Contributions to Humanity is not for persons of Indigenous descent alone, but is for anyone who fits the criteria of being humble, yet also is or has - contributed positively in significant ways to humanity.

SO PROUD OF OUR OLDER COUSIN PHILLIP 'JIMMY' SERRAO - WHO WAS JUST KNIGHTED, HE WAS ALREADY A QUEEN'S COUNSEL (QC) ATTORNEY-AT-LAW (FYI - In the countries of the British Commonwealth a QC is a top tier Lawyer) now he is Sir Phillip Serrao QC...first Lokono-Arawak descendant ON EARTH to achieve this distinction - Glad the Eagle Clan has made history again 
"Serrao, an attorney at law, served as a member of the Electoral & Boundaries Commission for the period 1985 to 1990. He became its chairman in 1996 and remained in that role for 14 uninterrupted years until 2010. This Commission had as its primary responsibility the registration of voters and conduct of Parliamentary Elections throughout Barbados.
During his tenure, one of the principal decisions taken and implemented was contained in a Report and Recommendations made to the then Prime Minister, Owen Arthur, for the division of Barbados into thirty constituencies by the creation of two new constituencies namely, St James Central and St Philip West and the alterations to be made to the boundaries of certain constituencies. These recommendations received the unanimous approval of the Parliament.
The Commission under his guidance was also responsible for the conduct of Parliamentary General Elections for the years 1999, 2003, and 2008 and a by-election for St Thomas in 2001."

Historic first of its kind Treaty between 3 Caribbean Indigenous Tribal Nations ever in the recorded history of the Caribbean 

The Janice Chandler-Fields Eagle Clan Lokono-Arawak Medal For Artistic Excellence is an award given to underprivileged Indigenous youth, locally, regionally, and Internationally, who demonstrate a natural artistic talent, and who have the desire to pursue an adult life as an Artist.  

With Vice-Minister for the Caribbean - Raul Li Causi, of the Bolivarian Government of Venezuela
With Mr Isaac Solomon - Vice President of Operations - of the Caribbean Development Bank/CBD.
With His Excellency Ex-Chief Irvince Auguiste of the Kalinago Tribal Nation of Dominica, at the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Caribbean Development Bank, it was the first time in its 53 years of existence, that the Bank invited the region's Indigenous Peoples to attend an event to help the bank create new policies FOR the Regions Indigenous Peoples, Chief Corrie and Chief Auguiste were the two regional Indigenous leaders contracted by the Bank to help this historic event come to fruition.  Below was 1 year later in 2024 for the 54th year of the CDB - and its second Indigenous Peoples Forum, held in Ottawa Canada.
With His Excellency Claudius Francis - Speaker of the House of Assembly of Saint Lucia.
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